Selamat datang di ruang ventilasi

Kumpulan tulisan ringan tanpa tendensi. Tidak untuk dibaca dengan kening berkerut, apalagi sampai lapor polisi....

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010


Endorpine is endogenous morphine. Our body produces its own morphine, wich effects are similar to morphine. But, unlike exogenous morphine, it won't give a usual histamine-related effects (a.k.a allergic reaction), since it's produced by ourselves. Other difference is, it won't cause addiction. Exogenous morphine and other look-alike drugs (named opioids) will cause toleration and addiction. Toleration means your body will tolerate the recent dose you use. Means, to get the same clinical effect as previous, you need to increase the dose for the next usage. Again and again. This is what we know as addiction. The truth is, addiction has two aspects, clinical/ physiological (a.k.a. toleration) and psychological aspect. Opioid abusers experient what we know as psychological dependency. And this is more difficult to manage. Eventhough the body is already "cleaned" or detoxicated, many times an ex abuser will fall again because of CRAVING. This is clearly a common psychological problem in an abuser.

What's the purpose of endorphine?
Like morphine, this substance gives us the effect of sedation, mild analgesia, and a "nice feeling" which makes us relaxed and happier. It's not euphoria, but a naturally normal happy feeling.

When you're tired, the entire body will give signals to each other part. This signal is caught and transferred by the nervous system. Then, endorphine will be released and attach to their sites (the opiate receptors) in the central nervous system, giving those effects above. We will then, feel sleepy and probably take a nap. If we sleep effectively, even just for 5-10 minutes, our body will feel much better. It also happens when we're sick or got pain.

How to produce endorphine?
We can't controle it. Endorphine is produced automatically when our body senses the need of this natural chemical stuff. That's why endorphine doesn't cause addiction. Our body is an amazing system with complicated-sophisticated mechanism that can controle everything by itself, as long as the "everything" is within normal range (this is what is called "homeostasis"). We cannot lie, cannot bully our body to do something we don't really need. But, like everything in this world, there's nothing perfect. There are thresholds. If, for example, the pain exceeds the threshold which our body can tolerate, endorphine will not counter it. We need something else (e.g. pain relief drugs).

There are things that can also trigger the production and release of endorphine. Almost every physical activity (sport, for example), caressing hair, listening to the music, and .... laugh a lot! These are just examples of things that can stimulate the conduction of impulses throughout the nervous system.

So, if you feel bad, your day went wrong, everything's messed up, don't go to the hell. DO NOT take exogenous morphine or its derivatives or look-alike drugs (heroin, cannabis, etc) or sleeping pills. You just need to do something that can release your own endorphine. And remember this : LAUGH a lot! It helps, trust me! At least for several hours....

But, be carefull. If you feel you laugh TOO MUCH, sometimes without any appropriate reason........ I think, that's the time you need a help. Go seek a shrink!

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